Shetland Sheepdog valper ventes i uke 2, 2012

valpene vil være leveringsklare ca uke 10

N UCH Croft's The Winner Take It All Goldmine's Xiting Honey-Honey


stamtavlen til valpene

N UCH Croft's The Winner Take It All
N DK UCH Croft's Brown Sugar (sobel) Eastflash Walk On Top (sobel/hvit) Fenstyle Freemason From Shelridge
Bewelys Beautyful Bonita
Sheltibo's Hot Feelings (sobel) Lucky Hill's Stop And Look
Zaffira Of Silver-Shadow
Croft's Wild Wine (sobel) INT NORD EST UCH WW-08 KBHV-08 Lundecock's Fiddler On The Roof (sobel/hvit) Sheldon Space Joker
Edglonian Miss Sofisticated
Sheltibo's Singapoor Recess (tricolor) Sheltibo's Truck Driver
Zaffira Of Silver-Shadow
Goldmine's Xiting Honey-Honey Shelridge Starmaker
Blenmerrow Barnaby Shelridge Socrates
Blenmerrow Belinda
GB CH Shelridge Sunshimmer JW BOB at Crufts 2006 GB CH Shelridge Summerspell
Shelrige Hope Springs at Nutbox
Frostice Xiting Personality
(Tric) (35 cm)
S UCH Shellrick's Nightingale
INT NORD UCH Eastdale Classic Clown
S UCH Shellrick's Inviting Lady
Frostice Perfect Personality
( Cert )
NORD S UCH Hillacre High On Style
Frostice Just A Mystic Melody