
Basco's One in A Million

Dato Dommer Arrangør Resultat Kritikk
6/6-2004 Rod Jerman NES HUNDEKLUBB 1.AK 5.VK Lovely headed bitch. Good eye + ear placement. Long reach in neck as rice in the topline. Spoils her looks. Not the mest of movers.
26/10-03 Dr Wilfried Peper NORSK ROTTWEILERKLUBB 2.AUK Correct type, very feminine bitch, wich does not like to show. Correct neck, very good topline and prop. very good chest and angu. excell. bone and feet, correct coat, moves without harmony, wide infront and norrow behind.
25/10-03 Carin Åkesson NORSK DOBERMANN KLUBB 2.AUK Liten tik m bra kjønnsp. søtt hode og utrykk, god hals, skulle ønske henne en aning lengre, bra volum i brystk. gode vinkler fram, sluttande kors, knappa vinklar bak, rør seg med alt for dårlig drive.
15/2-03 P W J M Van Montfoort NORSK BOXERKLUBB 2.AUK 15 months, very nice type, nice head and expression. Good bite, nice ear-set and muzzle and stop. Short body, enough bone, can have a better topline, she's a little heavy in weight for her size, too much slooping croup.
9/2-03 Lynne Bell Brand NORSK SCHNAUSER BOUVIER KLUBB 1.JK Well balansed. Would like more substance. Should have more strength in head. Good front. Good topline. Well ang. rare. Needs confidance, move with short steps.
8/2-03 Agnes Ganami NORSK DOBERMANN KLUB 2.JK A little light-boned. Good size for age. Feminine. Head is good in lines and propotions. Draws back high in standing and movement. Stands with behind under the body. Blenheim coat. Sufficient feathering for age. Good movement.
25/5-02 Wendy Hilberts Goodman NCKK Valpeshow Lovely size for 6 months. Very pretty head and eye. Correct cushioning, good scissors bite. Needs to be a little more balanced, but could improve with age. Alittle straight in shoulder but moves true coming and going.